Hiring a Ruby on Rails developer can be tough. There are so many options out there, and it’s important to choose someone who can help you and your business succeed in the long term, but it’s hard to know how to tell if any particular person has the skills necessary to get the job done right. Here are 10 tips that will help you find the perfect Ruby developer for your project.

1.Ask for a Written Resume

It’s important to make sure you’re hiring the right person for your project, and part of that is making sure you’re hiring someone who can do the job well. A good way to see if someone has the skills you need is by reading their resume. If they have the basic programming skills but are looking for something specific, it’s a good sign that they don’t have what it takes to be a good fit for your project.

2.Look at Their Code as Well as Their Blog or Website

While it’s important to look at their code, this is also something you can check on their website or blog. If there are any mistakes in their code, or if they don’t have a lot of experience with Ruby or Rails but are asking for more than $100 an hour, it could be that they don’t know what they’re doing.

3.Ask Them for References

A great way to make sure you’re hiring the right person for your project is by asking for references. It’s a good idea to ask them for at least three or four of these people, and it’s also a good idea to ask them about their experience working with other developers. If they can’t provide any references, that could be a red flag that they don’t know much about programming and are probably not qualified to work on your project.

4.Ask Them About Their Experience with Ruby or Rails

There are many different languages in the world, but it’s important to make sure you aren’t hiring someone who doesn’t know Ruby or Rails well enough. If they can explain what they like and don’t like about the language, that will give you more confidence in their abilities as a developer so you can hire ruby on rails developers.

5.Ask Them What They Like About Ruby or Rails

It’s also a good idea to ask the developer what they like about Ruby and Rails, so you can make sure you’re hiring someone who will be able to work well with your project. If they love Ruby but have never worked with Rails, it could be that they don’t have enough experience with the project and are not qualified to work on your development team.

6.Ask Them What They Don’t Like About Ruby or Rails

If the developer has never worked with Ruby or Rails before, it could be that they don’t like how difficult the language is, or they don’t like how much code they have to write in order to do basic things. It’s important to make sure you know what the developer doesn’t like about Ruby and Rails before you hire them because if there are any problems with the project, you’ll know they aren’t good enough to work on it.

7.Ask Them About Their Past Work Experience

It’s also important to know how long the developer has been working with Ruby or Rails before you hire them. If they haven’t worked with the language for more than a year, that could be a red flag that they don’t know what they’re doing and are probably not qualified to work on your project.

8.Ask Them for a Reference from Their Previous Employer

If the developer has only been working with Ruby or Rails for less than a year, it might be that they haven’t had enough experience in order to do well on your project. It is also a good idea to ask their previous employer if they can provide references, because some employers might not have any references available online so it could be difficult to find out if they are qualified to work with your project.

9.Ask Them to Do a Web Development Test

Many employers will want to see if the developer can do a web development test. This is a quick test that they can take that will show you how well they know how to use Ruby or Rails and whether they are qualified to work on your project. It’s also a good idea to ask the developer if they can show you some of their previous work before hiring them because it could be that they have not worked with Ruby or Rails before, so it would be difficult for them to show you what they did in order for you to be convinced that they are qualified enough for the job.

10.Ask Them if They Have Ever Done Projects With Large Companies Before

If the developer has never worked with large companies before, it could be that there are problems with their past projects and no one wants them working on their project, which could make it difficult for them to do well. It’s also a good idea to ask the developer if they have ever worked with large companies before, because it could be that they are not qualified to work with your project and it’s important to know that before you hire them.


Keerthana is the Managing Director at digitalkirk.com. After many years of making it and breaking it in the freelance world, she now mentors new writers who want to take their careers to the next level.

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