Data scientists and web developers access data via IT systems. One effective data access method from multiple systems seems to be Structured Query Language or SQL. If you are aspiring to know more about data manipulation, it is a good idea to gain a sound understanding and knowledge of SQL and its functions.

What Is SQL?

According to Wikipedia, SQL or Structured Query Language is a popular domain-specific language frequently used in programming. It has been designed strategically to manage data in an RDBMS or Relational Database Management System. It is often used in an RDSMS or Relational Data Stream Management System for effective stream processing. SQL is especially good for handling structured data, that is, data infusing relations between variables and entities. SQL is useful for maintaining, creating, modifying, manipulating, and updating relational databases.

What Is SQL Server?

SQL Server is essentially an RDBMS or Relational Database Management System designed, developed, and launched by Microsoft. It comprises Transact-SQL and SQL language with expertise in exception handling. SQL Server Database Engine seems to be an integral part of SQL Server and can efficiently control, process, and secure the data storage. The SQL database has two segments. The first one is a relational engine for processing queries and commands. The second segment is a storage engine strategically crafted for managing diverse database features like pages, tables, indexes, transactions, and files.

SQL Server Advantages

  • Provides enhanced performance
  • Easy and simple to install
  • Has many SQL Server editions
  • The cost of ownership is lower
  • Incredibly secure
  • Exceptional data recovery and restoration mechanism

Varied Uses of SQL

You may put SQL to diverse uses even though the frequency of SQL uses may vary depending on your precise career path. For instance, Web development experts and data scientists use SQL, but for different purposes. Here are the varied uses of SQL. 

Modify Data Available In a Table

While accessing a database with organized data, you may use SQL for manipulating data available within a table. For instance, you can now modify specific data points available within your table. Moreover, you can get the golden opportunity of modifying, and updating data in practically all sections of the table. 

Designed To Create a Table

You may use SQL for a brand-new table. SQL helps you with a new database simply by incorporating fresh data or info into a table after creating a new table. It assists users in contributing valuable data or info to the system for storing, analyzing, and manipulating it.

Effectively Retrieve Data

Data scientists often use SQL for data retrieval from the database. It becomes easier to assess and analyze data after data recovery. SELECT is the command syntax.

Modify Data Structure

Another usage of SQL is modifying or altering the data structure. You can accomplish this by modifying the table containing data or the database. A DBA may consider using SQL for this reason in case of fresh data that makes the already existing storage process obsolete.

Defining the Perfect Schema for the Database

You may consider using SQL for defining the schema of your database. Schema plays a pivotal role in data structuring and data descriptions. This process is called DDL or data definition language. Several commands you may consider using are DROP, CREATE, TRUNCATE, ALTER, RENAME, and COMMENT.

Aids in Data Manipulation

You may seek assistance from data manipulation language or DML feature for storing, deleting, or updating the data. If you wish, you may consider revamping the entire database for ensuring it is updated and accurate. You may use DELETE, UPDATE, or INSERT commands wherever relevant.

To Facilitate Access to Data

You can use SQL to facilitate access to your database for others to use. The method used is DCL or Data Control Language. You may use commands like REVOKE or GRANT wherever applicable. These commands assist in determining which users have access to particular databases. SQL can be fruitful to organizations that usually store sensitive or confidential data or info within the program.

Defining Procedures & User Functions

You can consider using SQL for adding procedures and functions, depending on your unique database requirements. For instance, you can go about linking simple, uncomplicated SQL syntax with a precise command before using the system. It is immensely helpful in catering to the specific needs of your organization and streamlines the process of utilizing SQL.

Manual Data Analysis

SQL can be incredibly useful in manually analyzing data within your data system. It may be essential when you may have to intervene manually with the system. Manual analysis can be useful while solving an issue or troubleshooting database problems. The manual analysis acts as another way of accessing the data. Users may rely on SQL for searching the essential data they may utilize for analysis.

Seamlessly Combining Datasets

The Join function of the SQL facilitates users to mix data seamlessly from two different sets. This feature may prove beneficial when you are planning to compare and combine two distinct tables.

Tips to Prevent SQL Database Corruption 

  • Avoid rebooting the server. You can fix only some minor problems related to the Operating System by rebooting the server. If there is a problem, from the server perspective, then rebooting is not recommended for resolving SQL data corruption. If you reboot the system, it will help in just transferring the database in an offline mode. It will be capable of detecting the database only in the SUSPECT mode. It may worsen the corruption issue.
  • Avoid shutting down the server out of panic when you detect SQL Server database corruption. It is an inappropriate solution to the corruption issue. Moreover, it has the potential of making the database unavailable and inaccessible.
  • AVOID Reattaching or Detaching in case of SQL database corruption issues. When you detach or reattach, you will make the corruption issue worse under the circumstances.
  • AVOID Upgrading SQL Server for repairing SQL database. It is because it is not a perfect method and may create undesirable obstacles.


The SQL database is a vital constituent of diverse large, medium, and small organizations. If your business application, network, or system performance seems to be retarding, there can be issues that need immediate attention.



Keerthana is the Managing Director at After many years of making it and breaking it in the freelance world, she now mentors new writers who want to take their careers to the next level.

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