WordPress is one of the most popular Content Management Systems (CMS) for blogging, but it’s not entirely language-friendly. That’s why you need to use WordPress translation plugins to make communication with your website visitors easier. Here are the ten best WordPress translation plugins for Multilingual websites to help you achieve your multilingual projects.

1. MultilingualPress

MultilingualPress is a WordPress plugin that allows you to translate your content into multiple languages. This plugin will help you create multilingual websites in no time.

MultilingualPress has many advantages over other translation plugins, such as its automatic translation process that works faster and provides better results than other plugins. MultilingualPress also provides several features, such as creating users’ pages, a user-friendly interface, an easy-to-use dashboard, and much more.

MultilingualPress can be used by anyone who wants to create multilingual websites, either for personal or professional use. The plugin also offers a feature called Dynamic Content Translation, which automatically translates your website’s content into another language without any need for the extra effort on your part. With this plugin, you can easily create multilingual websites that are fully customizable. This plugin is extremely easy to use and free for everyone. You can add additional features like Google Analytics or web analytics without purchasing another plugin. MultilingualPress Features:

  • Simple installation process
  • Built-in translation service
  • Customize each language using the built-in editor or a custom editor of your choice (like Google Translate API)
  • Add Google Analytics or any other web analytics service of your choice


WPML is a translation plugin for WordPress that allows you to translate your site’s content into multiple languages. WPML is a multilingual WordPress translation plugin that allows you to translate your posts, pages, and other content into multiple languages. It also provides a way to translate the themes of your website. It has been developed by the WordPress Multilingual team and is compatible with all plugins and themes. WPML stands for “WordPress Multilingual,” allowing you to quickly create multilingual websites by editing single posts, pages, or posts inside the Text widget. WPML works on simple steps:

  • Install the WPML plugin and activate it;
  • Add a new language;
  • Copy the translation file from the wp-includes folder into a wpml-translations folder;
  • Go to Settings > Languages > Add New Language;
  • Add your translations file there (in the wpml-translations/languages folder).

WPML also features an API for developers and businesses that want to integrate translation into their apps or software. WPML has a lot of advantages over other translation tools, including It’s free, It has a high level of customization, digital marketing for healthcare and It’s easy to use.

The plugin comes with a very easy-to-use interface, making it suitable for beginners and experts in the field of translation. You can easily install the plugin and start using it without hassle. WPML has two major features: the first one is called Translation Management, which allows you to translate all your blog posts and pages into different languages, and the second feature is called View Translation Status, which shows you how many sentences have been translated so far in each language.

WPML also offers several other useful features like Automatic Language Switching (ALS), which automatically switches between languages based on user preferences; Translation Memory, which saves all previously translated strings so they can be reused later; and Automatic Language Detection (ALID).

3. Polylang

Polylang translation plugin is one of the best WordPress translation plugins for multilingual websites. It is a translation plugin that allows you to translate your content in real-time without having to modify any code or install any plugins. It’s easy to use, and there are many advantages to using this plugin:

  • Simplicity: Polylang is very simple to use. You can create a new language in just a few steps and edit the language list at any time.
  • Cost-effective: With Polylang, you don’t have to pay for each language – only one annual fee gets you access to all of them (more on that later). It’s also easy to buy additional licenses if you need more than one language.
  • Flexibility: You can easily manage translation files with the built-in editor or through the API. You can also download the full text of articles and media files (images and audio files) from your website in every language of your choosing.
  • Integration with other services: The API allows you to integrate Polylang with other services, such as Google Translate or Microsoft Translator. They can be used from inside the WordPress interface and outside of it, like in an email message or social network post.

The biggest advantage of using Polylang is that it does not require installing any extra plugins or software on your site. You can add the plugin to your website, and it will start working immediately. The plugin works with any language and supports over 100 languages, so you don’t have to worry about finding a good translator. It also provides a free version, making it even more convenient and affordable for everyone. The features of Polylang include:

  • Translation: Translate any page, post, or attachment with just one click. You can even translate multiple items at once!
  • Crawl: Crawl through all pages on your website without having to add them all in manually. You can also limit crawl speed and apply filters when crawling, so it doesn’t take forever!

4. TranslatePress

TranslatePress is a WordPress plugin that allows you to translate your WordPress site into any language. It has built-in support for more than 100 languages and supports the translation of single posts and pages. The plugin comes with various filters that you can use to target specific languages or countries. You can also choose between using Google Translate or Bing Translator, which should be good enough for most people.

However, if you want to go all out, you can use the built-in API for Google Translate and Bing Translator. This will allow you to translate your site from within their apps, which might be useful if you want to build an app around it. With TranslatePress installed on your WordPress site, all visitors can see their pages translated into their native language when they visit your site. It has the same Advantages, which include:

  • TranslatePress is a WordPress plugin that allows you to translate your website into over 100 languages. It’s a very easy-to-use plugin with a free plan for personal blogs or small websites.
  • The free plan gives you access to all the features, but it will limit you to 50 translations. You’ll need to upgrade your account if you want more than that.
  • The paid plans allow you to translate your site into any number of languages, with no restrictions on the number of times per day or week you can translate. You also get access to an API so that other people can use your content in their websites and applications.
  • You can also choose from several different subscription plans depending on your site’s traffic and what languages you want to be translated.

5. Weglot

Weglot is a translation plugin for WordPress that makes it easy to translate your website. All you have to do is input the text of your page, and Weglot will translate it into 50+ languages. The plugin has been designed to easily choose which languages you want to translate your content into. You can also use Weglot’s API to integrate it into other applications like WooCommerce or WooCommerce Multilingual Extensions. It is a translation plugin for WordPress that helps you translate your website into multiple languages. Some of its features include:

  • Translate any WordPress post, page, or widget content.
  • Translate any WordPress header, menu, or footer text.
  • Add a new language at any time.
  • Add a new language to an existing post or page.
  • Create multilingual pages with different translations of each page.

6. WooCommerce Multilingual

The WooCommerce Multilingual plugin is a free plugin that allows you to translate your store into multiple languages. You can choose from a list of available translations or use the WooCommerce Translation API to create your translations. The plugin is very easy to use and has a lot of options. You can also use custom fields to add any other information you want to display in the translated language, such as prices or product descriptions. It contains advantages like Free and easy to install, with no configuration required, and Provides all WooCommerce functionality (cart, checkout, checkout page) for translated languages, etc.

WooCommerce Multilingual is a premium plugin that enables you to build a multilingual e-commerce store. WooCommerce Multilingual is a powerful plugin that allows you to create and manage multilingual websites easily. This plugin brings translation functionality to WordPress; it supports over 100 languages and can render content in multiple formats, including text, audio, video, or even images. WooCommerce Multilingual also supports several different types of translation tools:

  • Browser-based translations: You can use the built-in browser plugin (available for all browsers) to translate pages on your site.
  • Sitemap: Sitemaps are used by search engines to determine which pages on your site need attention. They provide search engines with information about which pages on your site contain text strings that might be useful for search engine optimization (SEO). You can install a sitemap generator plugin on your site and edit the generated sitemaps from within WordPress.
  • Translation management tools: You can use these tools to import translations from third-party services like Google Translate or Microsoft Translator into your WordPress site’s database.

7. Google Language Translator

Google Language Translator is a plugin for WordPress that allows the user to translate any website using Google’s machine translation technology. The plugin is easy to use and works well with multilingual websites. It can be installed on any WordPress site and integrates seamlessly with the rest of your site’s content.

The main advantage of using this plugin is that it allows users to translate any part of their website as they see fit. Using the WordPress editor, users can go through every aspect of their website, including posts, pages, and attachments. This makes it possible for them to translate just about anything they want on their site without worrying about messing up the structure or formatting of the original content.

This plugin integrates with Google Translate so that you don’t have to type out long sentences when translating phrases or sentences into another language. You can also add multiple languages at once if you’re working with more than one translator at a time.

8. GTranslate

GTranslate is a WordPress plugin that allows you to translate your website into any language. It uses Google Translate as its engine, which works well and has proven accurate.

The main advantage of using GTranslate is that it allows you to translate your website into any language. This is especially useful if you have a website in a language other than English or French but would like to have it translated into one of those two languages. Another great feature of this plugin is that it allows you to translate only certain sections of your site, so you don’t have to worry about having everything translated at once. Its main features include:

  • Uptime monitoring: You can see how long your page takes before it loads (in milliseconds). This can help you determine whether or not there are problems with your server or internet connection.
  • Search engine optimization: You can use this plugin to optimize by adding keywords or phrases into the translation field on each site page. This will help ensure that people searching for these terms will find them in the translation section rather than on another page of your site.

9. Loco Translate

Loco Translate is a translation plugin for WordPress that allows you to translate your website’s content from one language to another. That’s not all, though. You can also add translations for other languages in the future, which makes it a great choice for multilingual websites.

Loco Translate provides users with various options to customize their translation experience. For example, you can choose what type of translation (i.e., machine or human) you’d like to use, whether you want to translate the entire page or just a certain section; and even what language you’d like to translate into.

The Loco Translate plugin has many advantages over other translation plugins because it allows users to translate their content without hiring someone else or using an expensive service like Google Translate. This means less time wasted on making changes and more time spent building your website’s functionality!

The plugin has comprehensive features that will help you create high-quality multilingual websites. These include:

  • Automatic translation: You can use Loco Translate to automatically translate your content into different languages or dialects of the same language. You can also use it to translate between languages closely related to each other (for example, German and French).
  • Translate posts: The plugin makes it easy for you to translate all your posts and pages in one go. This means that when you post something in English, it will also be available in Spanish and French – no more having to edit each post individually!
  • Translation templates: If you have an existing site, Loco Translate can use its built-in translation templates so that it only has to create one template instead of creating a new one every time you want to change languages (which would take longer). You can also use these templates if creating a new site from scratch!

10. Lingotek

Lingotek is a translation plugin for WordPress that allows you to add multiple languages (and their translations) to your site. Lingotek offers a free plan, and it also has a premium version if you need more features. The free version comes with all the basic features, including the ability to translate posts, pages, and comments. You can also use Lingotek for translating posts, pages, and comments from other websites. It’s not as powerful as some translation plugins, but it’s still a great option for beginners who want to get started quickly without paying extra money.

Lingotek provides you with a set of features that are not available in any other translation plugins, which include:

  • Multilingual websites: translate your site into multiple languages simultaneously
  • Translation Memory: use our built-in translation memory to save translations and search them easily
  • Customizable interface: choose between pre-defined layouts, or create your templates to suit your website perfectly
  • Flexible settings: fine-tune translation quality settings, glossary size, and more
  • Speed and reliability: we use the latest technologies to ensure excellent performance on all devices and browsers


Wrapping Up

Many translation plugins are available for WordPress, and choosing the right one can be a challenge. If you have a multilingual website, you should choose an internationalization plugin to help translate content into multiple languages. Plugins also make it easier to keep your website updated in several languages. We recommend WPML, Polylang, and qTranslate-X. These will allow you to translate your site into multiple languages and manage them on a single platform. It is still possible to use other solutions depending on your needs and the number of languages needed.


Keerthana is the Managing Director at digitalkirk.com. After many years of making it and breaking it in the freelance world, she now mentors new writers who want to take their careers to the next level.

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