As more people become aware of the environmental impact of traditional energy sources, there has been a growing interest in renewable energy solutions. One company that has recently gained attention in this area is Ecoplus, which claims to offer a profitable investment opportunity while also supporting sustainable energy practices. However, there have been concerns raised about the legitimacy of the company and its investment offerings. In this article, we will explore the Ecoplus scam and what you need to know before considering investing in the company.

Overview of Ecoplus

Ecoplus is a company that offers investment opportunities in renewable energy projects. According to their website, they specialize in photovoltaic power plants and wind turbines, which they claim to be profitable and sustainable. They also state that their projects are insured by leading insurance companies and are overseen by independent auditors. The company is based in Switzerland and has offices in several other countries.

Red Flags of the Ecoplus Scam

Despite the promises made by Ecoplus, there are several red flags that have been raised about the legitimacy of the company and its investment offerings. Here are some of the key concerns:

Lack of Transparency

One of the main issues with Ecoplus is the lack of transparency surrounding their operations and investment opportunities. While they claim to have independent auditors overseeing their projects, there is little information available about these auditors or their findings. Additionally, there is no clear explanation of how the investment returns are generated or what the associated risks are.

Unrealistic Returns

Another red flag is the promise of high returns on investment, which can be as much as 25% annually. While renewable energy projects can be profitable, such high returns are typically unrealistic and indicate that the company may be using a Ponzi scheme to pay earlier investors with funds from new investors.

Unclear Ownership and Leadership

There is little information available about the ownership and leadership of Ecoplus. The company claims to be owned by a Swiss foundation, but there is no information about the foundation or its members. Additionally, the CEO of the company, Andreas Dickele, has a questionable background that includes a history of fraud and financial misconduct.

Risks of Investing in Ecoplus

If you are considering investing in Ecoplus, it is important to understand the risks involved. Here are some of the key concerns:

Possible Ponzi Scheme

As mentioned above, the promise of high returns on investment is a common characteristic of Ponzi schemes. If Ecoplus is indeed using investor funds to pay earlier investors, it is likely that the scheme will eventually collapse when there are not enough new investors to sustain it.

Lack of Regulation

Another concern is the lack of regulation surrounding Ecoplus and similar investment schemes. While some countries have regulations in place to protect investors, others do not. This means that if something goes wrong with your investment, there may be little recourse available to you.

Environmental Risks

While investing in renewable energy projects may seem like a way to support sustainable practices, there are still environmental risks involved. Projects like wind turbines and photovoltaic power plants can have a negative impact on wildlife and their habitats. Additionally, there is always the risk of equipment failure or natural disasters that can cause damage to the environment.


In summary, while Ecoplus may seem like an attractive investment opportunity, there are several red flags and risks that should give investors pause. The lack of transparency, unrealistic returns, and questionable ownership and leadership should all be cause for concern. Additionally, the potential for a Ponzi scheme, lack of regulation, and environmental risks should be carefully considered before making any investment decisions.

If you are looking to invest in renewable energy projects, it is important to do your due diligence and research the company and their investment offerings thoroughly. Look for companies that have a transparent and proven track record of success, as well as a clear explanation of how returns are generated and the associated risks.

Additionally, be sure to check the regulatory environment in your country or region to ensure that you are protected as an investor. Finally, consider the environmental impact of the projects you are investing in and whether they align with your values and goals.

In conclusion, the Ecoplus scam is a cautionary tale for investors who are interested in renewable energy projects. While it is important to support sustainable practices, it is equally important to be vigilant and informed when it comes to investment opportunities. By doing your research and carefully considering the risks involved, you can make informed decisions that align with your financial and environmental goals.


  1. Is Ecoplus a legitimate company?

There are concerns raised about the legitimacy of Ecoplus and its investment offerings. The lack of transparency, unrealistic returns, and questionable ownership and leadership should be cause for concern.

  1. What are the risks of investing in Ecoplus?

The risks of investing in Ecoplus include the possibility of a Ponzi scheme, lack of regulation, and environmental risks. Investors should carefully consider these risks before making any investment decisions.

  1. Are there any alternatives to investing in Ecoplus?

There are many legitimate companies that offer investment opportunities in renewable energy projects. Look for companies that have a transparent and proven track record of success, as well as a clear explanation of how returns are generated and the associated risks.

  1. How can I protect myself as an investor in renewable energy projects?

To protect yourself as an investor, be sure to research the company and their investment offerings thoroughly. Look for companies that have a transparent and proven track record of success, as well as a clear explanation of how returns are generated and the associated risks. Additionally, check the regulatory environment in your country or region to ensure that you are protected as an investor.

  1. What should I consider when investing in renewable energy projects?

When investing in renewable energy projects, consider the company’s track record of success, their transparency and disclosure practices, the associated risks, and the environmental impact of the projects. It is also important to check the regulatory environment in your country or region to ensure that you are protected as an investor.


Keerthana is the Managing Director at After many years of making it and breaking it in the freelance world, she now mentors new writers who want to take their careers to the next level.

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