Artificial Intelligence is here to stay. We are seeing a multitude of advertisements, products and services that benefit from the use of AI. But, Microsoft is applying this technology to Windows 10 as well . One of those fields is the update area.

Windows 10 updates will keep getting better

The presence of Artificial Intelligence in Windows 10 came a long time ago. Microsoft is aware of the potential of this technology and wants integrate it into the company’s different services . AI has been applied to Windows 10 updates to designate which computers should receive the updates first.

From Microsoft they indicate that they have seen increased customer satisfaction , fewer known problems and fewer calls to the support area compared to previous updates. This has been used since the Fall Creators Update , obtaining information from those models that had satisfactory experiences and these types of models were recognized to install the updates before. In addition, this use of Artificial Intelligence has allowed updates to be faster, reaching 250 million devices in less than half the time of the previous update.

The goal should be to improve Windows 10 updates to the point where problems are reduced to a marginal percentage. In addition, it will allow the deployment of updates to be faster.

Keerthana is the Managing Director at After many years of making it and breaking it in the freelance world, she now mentors new writers who want to take their careers to the next level.

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