Agustín Reyes Ponce is considered one of the most important figures in the theoretical-practical field of business in Latin America, as well as being the largest Hispanic consultant during the first half of the 20th century.

Reyes Ponce tells us that the main task of the administration is to interpret the objectives that are proposed in the business or organization, and these must be transformed into planned or organized actions that allow us to achieve the objectives that we have set for ourselves.

At the end of the day, we can see any administrative process as a tool that has the necessary elements to generate solutions to certain or specific problems and based on it, we can regulate each of the actions to follow.

For Reyes Ponce, the phases that any successful organization must follow at the administrative level are:

mechanical phase

1. Forecast:

This will always answer the question what can be done?

2. Planning:

Here we can determine what is going to be done?

3. Organization:

To determine it, you must answer How are we going to do it?

dynamic phase

4. Integration: 

What are we going to do it with?

5. Address:

He will see that the problems are resolved correctly.


It is about being able to describe how it has been done?

The idea of ​​this is to provide a management tool that serves to help generate more efficient processes to solve problems within each business or company.


Keerthana is the Managing Director at After many years of making it and breaking it in the freelance world, she now mentors new writers who want to take their careers to the next level.

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